Puerto Princesa, Philippines — The second (2nd) in-situ spawning of the true native Philippine Tridacna gigas yielded approximately 4.6 million trochophores on November 12, 2019 as the team led by Malampaya Foundation Inc. (MFI) trooped to Ulugan Bay in Puerto Princesa, Palawan for the activity.

The spawning involved five (5) mature individuals and conducted by a team of about 25 from MFI, Western Philippines University, Palawan State University and Palawan Council for Sustainable Development.

The first spawning of the near-extinct giant clam species, held last June 2019 at Honda Bay in Puerto Princesa, was the first time the specific species was spawned artificially as it was declared extinct in the 1980s. Its existence was only confirmed in 2017 when the late National Scientist Dr. Edgardo Gomez, as trustee of MFI, personally inspected the few individuals left in the bay.
The juvenile giant clams will be re-stocked in properly managed and enforced marine protected areas (MPAs) of MFI’s conservation sites in North Palawan, Oriental Mindoro and Batangas City.