Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau's (DENR-PAWB), Philippine Coast Guard Auxilliary (PCGA), Malampaya Foundation (MFI) and University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute lead the celebration of Month-of-the-Ocean in Batangas on May 28, 2013 with the extraction of Acanthaster Plancis.
Partners who joined the activity were the U.P. SKIN DIVERS, Batangas City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO), Batangas Office of City Veterinarian and Agricultural Services (OCVAS), Philippine Red Cross Batangas Chapter, Barangay Pagkilatan, Pacifica Dive and members of the Batangas Reef Watch Team.
The reef has been infested with Acanthasters, requiring manual extraction of what is considered pests of the ocean due to uncontrolled population caused by the extinction of its main predator, the Charonia Tritonis. Some 135 Acanthasters were collected amidst currents in the reef area.
DENR-PAWB Reef Champion and celebrity Luis Manzano joined the divers in the collection activity and encouraged the community to continue being active in reef conservation efforts.
Month of the Ocean is celebrated annually in the Philippines during the month of May by virtue of Presidential Proclamation No. 57 issued in 1999.